Saturday, July 8, 2023

Open Debate Challenge to Daniel Ortner

 A few weeks ago, I emailed Jacob Hansen querying if he would be willing to moderate/host two debates between myself and Daniel Ortner (former LDS who is now a Protestant). I was planning on reaching out directly to Ortner and wanted to make sure a moderator/venue was already set up. The topics would be (1) Sola Scriptura and (2) baptismal regeneration. (*)


Before I emailed him, a mutual friend, Allen Hansen, messaged Ortner on facebook informing him that I wanted to debate him. Ortner refused, claiming I am mean and would be rude during any debate. Personally (and I am not the only one who thinks this), that is nonsense and just cowardly. As anyone who knows my work will attest that I am the most informed Latter-day Saint apologist on the topic of Protestant theology and history.


It should be noted that Ortner has not only apostatized, but has taken his family out of the Restored Gospel and into a flavor of Protestantism. He has also made a number of “shots” against Latter-day Saint Scripture and theology. He has also appeared on Lynn Wilder’s Unveiling Grace podcast and Steven Pynaker's "Mormon Book Review" channel, critiquing Latter-day Saint theology and attempting to support Protestantism. Ortner is now a public figure who is attacking "Mormonism." He has no excuse not to engage with informed opponents of his position.

Ortner can consider this an open challenge to debate on the following topics that divide his flavor of Protestantism and Latter-day Saint theology:

1. The Bible teaches the Protestant doctrine/practice of Sola Scriptura

2. The Bible teaches the doctrine of Baptismal Regeneration

Structure of both debates:

Opening statements: 25 mins each

Rebuttals: 10 mins each

Cross Ex: 15 mins each

Closing statements: 7 mins each

If Ortner continues to refuse, this only shows he is a keyboard warrior and not a good faith actor, being a coward who refuses to engage with those who can challenge his newfound Protestant theology and only attack the Church//defend Protestantism in safe spaces provided by Wilder et al.

Robert Boylan

July 8, 2023

(*) Ortner mentioned that he saw my post on youtube and was upset that I would drag his children into it. All I said was that he brought his children out of the Church and into a theology I believe to be evil and condemned by God (cf. Gal 1:6-9). He thinks I am under God's eternal wrath as a Latter-day Saint, so hopefully Ortner will stop being a prima donna and do the honorable thing and defend his religion than make excuses. Do note that Ortner has an open invitation to Latter-day Saints to dialogue with him about theology, so he has no excuse:

And yes, I know it is unlikely that Ortner will agree to it as he knows he would be trounced in a debate with an informed opponent, but perhaps he will demonstrate some integrity than excuses like "Boylan is mean!!!!"

Update: An Anglican friend of mine recently commented on Daniel's blog. Note that Daniel's response is pathetic, and just shows he is a spineless coward who is happy to critique "Mormonism" in Protestant safe zones but will not engage with me in a moderated debate (with a neutral moderator)--all the more pitiful when you realize that he is a full-time attorney.