Monday, August 14, 2023

Brigham Young (March 8 1868) on the Coming Forth of the Book of Mormon


. . . the Lord has called upon the inhabitants of the earth to repent he called upon his servant Joseph told him what to do in the first place revealed to him that there was a treasure in the earth that is there was some golden plates [illegible] did not tell him what they were at the first beyond is a treasure it is my will for you to possess it it may be strange idea to say that Joseph Smith did not know what it was a treasure to make his Father's house rich he did not conceive the great things for the Lord could not reveal it to him but he led him along day after day week after week year after year until he delivered unto his hands the plates and his Book of Mormon translated (Brigham Young, 1868 March 8, CR 100 912, Church History Library)