Thursday, September 21, 2023

Sola Scriptura: Discussion with James Fletcher (Reformed Protestant)

Sola Scriptura: Discussion with James Fletcher (Reformed Protestant)

James Fletcher is a Reformed Protestant and critic of the Church; he has recently moved to Utah to plant a Protestant church and operates the "Reasons to Believe" youtube channel with videos with titles such as "Why Mormons get the Gospel wrong!!!!"


A few weeks previous to this encounter, I joined some missionaries serving in his native Kentucky and taught a friend of his, Cole, and discussed topics such as the nature of sin, Hebrews 6 and 10 vs. various models of eternal security, etc. It was a really cordial and productive discussion.


Here, Travis Anderson and I discuss Sola Scriptura and other topics with James. I have offered to dialogue with James on baptismal regeneration, the nature of justification, and related issues (e.g., anthropology). If/when that dialogue takes place, I will post it here.


You will see that James downplays the importance of sola scriptura, claims to have read Augustine but is uninformed about Augustine’s theology (e.g., did not know Augustine taught baptismal regeneration or transformative justification in spite of claiming to have read Augustine's works), etc.