Saturday, October 28, 2023

Heber C. Kimball on the Importance of Men Personifying “Adam” in the Temple Endowment Ceremony


Elder H. C. Kimball said, The ideas advanced by brother Lyman are good and true. We have been taken as it were from the earth, and have travelled until we have entered the Celestial Kingdom and what is it for, it is to personify Adam. And you discover that our God is like one of us, for he created us in his own image. Every man that ever came upon this earth, or any other earth will take the course we have taken. Another thing, it is to bring us to an organization, and just as quick as we can get into that order and government, we have the Celestial Kingdom here. You have got to honor and reverence your brethren, for if you do not you never can honor God. The man was created, and God gave him dominion over the whole earth, but he saw that he never could multiply, and replenish the earth, without a woman. And he made one and gave her to him. He did not make the man for the woman; but the woman for the man, and it is just as unlawful for you to rise up and rebel against your husband, as it would be for man to rebel against God. (William Clayton, Journal, December 21, 1845, in An Intimate Chronicle: The Journals of William Clayton, ed. George D. Smith [Salt Lake City: Signature Books, 1991], 226-27)