Saturday, December 30, 2023

Duane Crowther on Isaiah 11:10


The context of this verse is difficult, for Isaiah 11:10 bridges two different areas of time. Those who would like verse ten with verses six to nine would interpret the root to be a person living during the millennium. But those who consider verse ten as being linked to verses eleven and twelve would place in the time of this individual as before the advent of Christ.


Dr. Sidney B. Sperry, professor of Old Testament Languages and Literature at Brigham Young University, speaks out in favor of the Prophet Joseph Smith as the fulfiller of this prophecy. In his text, The Voice of Israel’s Prophets, he says: “We have clearly seen that the “Stem of Jesse” is Christ, but we are still not clear as to the identity of the “rod,” despite the explanation in the Doctrine and Covenants. To be sure, it tells us that “it is a servant in the hands of Christ,” etc., but an express name is not given. May I suggest that the “servant” or “rod” referred to is none other than the Prophet Joseph Smith himself. For this suggestion I am solely and alone responsible. . . . Joseph Smith stands for an ensign of the peoples, because he holds aloft the gospel principles to the world. The restored gospel in this age is indeed the “ensign” or standard held forth by the modern prophet. The nations have sought and will continue to seek him. The Mormon people have no hesitation in proclaiming his greatness and the importance of his message.” pp. 36-37. (Duane S. Crowther, "A Study ofEschatological Prophecies Found in the Scriptures and in the Works of General Authorities of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints," [M.A. Thesis, Brigham Young University, 1960], 40 n. 2)