Sunday, December 17, 2023

Theodore the Studite: Those who do not anathematize those who oppose icon veneration are themselves heretics


St. Theodore the Studite—Studium (759-826 A.D.):


“If anyone should not number with the other heresies the heresy which attacks the holy icons (since it alienates its followers from God as much as the others do), but should say that communion with heretics is a matter of indifference, he is a heretic.” (“First Refutation of the Iconoclasts,” PG 99:352B, in William J. DeTucci, Communicatio in Sacris: The Roman Catholic Church Against Intercommunion with Non-Catholics [rev ed.; 2012], 131)


Further Reading:

Answering Fundamentalist Protestants and Roman Catholic/Eastern Orthodox on Images/Icons