Saturday, February 24, 2024

Sunday as the Day of the Week Christians Hold Services in The Epistle of Barnabas


The celebration of the eighth day of the week, i.e., Sunday, because it is the day of the resurrection, instead of the Sabbath of the Jews is particularly stressed in chapter 15, 8:


He (God) says to them (the Jews): ‘Your new moons and your sabbaths, I cannot bear them’. Consider what he means by it: Not the sabbaths of the present era are acceptable to me, but that which I have appointed to mark the end of the world and to usher in the eight day, that is the beginning of the other world. Wherefore we joyfully celebrate the eighth day on which Jesus rose from the dead, and having manifested himself to his disciples he ascended into heaven. (Johannes Quasten, Patrology, 4 vols. [Westminster, Md.: Christian Classics, Inc., 1992], 1:88)