Thursday, April 18, 2024

"[As] Dross" in the Book of Mormon and Webster's 1828 Dictionary


Therefore they were not permitted to enter into their synagogues to worship God, being esteemed as filthiness; therefore they were poor; yea, they were esteemed by their brethren as dross; therefore they were poor as to things of the world; and also they were poor in heart. (Alma 32:3)


Therefore, if ye do not remember to be charitable, ye are as dross, which the refiners do cast out, (it being of no worth) and is trodden under foot of men. (Alma 34:29)


The reference to the simile, “as dross,” has been used to argue the Book of Mormon teaches that the Nephites and Lamanites had widespread knowledge and use of metallurgy. While the first two definitions of “dross” in Webster’s 1828 Dictionary have reference to metallurgy, the third definition does not, and could fit nicely into the use in Alma 32:3 (though not 34:29):


Waste matter; refuse; any worthless matter separated from the better part; impure matter.