Sunday, April 21, 2024

Example of Eastern Orthodox Opposition to Roman Catholic Absolute Divine Simplicity and Preference for Sprinkling over Triple Immersion in Baptism

In the Matins for “The Service of the Holy Eight Oecumenical Council” (Changed on the 1st Sunday of the month of February. A composition of Nun Thecla of Saint Stephen’s) we read:


Forsaking the only Truth, the assembly of the West, entangled by the wiliness and deception of falsehood, slipt o’er the cliff and precipice leading down to perdition on account of many heresies.


Mistaken are they that think that the Godhead’s energies are but created; sithence thus both the path to theosis for mortal man is rendered impassible and for creatures is God made unapproachable.


Empoisoned with heresy, clearly doing away with the tradition of the Holy Church, even Baptism by triple immersion they abolished heretic’ly and by sprinkling or pouring they perform this rite. (The Divine Service of the Holy Eight Oecumenical Council Convoked in Constantinople in the Years of Our Lord 879-880 [trans. Gergory Heers; Uncut Mountain Press, 2024], 71)