Thursday, April 18, 2024

Examples of Prophecies in the 1890s concerning the Church's then-future freedom from debt


Bro[ther Heber J.] Grant confessed that his investments were with a view of making money except the sugar factory which was for loyalty to the church. ... Pres[ident George Q.] Cannon prophesied that we would get through our financial troubles all right. To that we all said amen. (Francis M. Lyman, Journal, October 5, 1893, in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1835-1951 [rev. ed.; Salt Lake City, 2020])


Bro[ther] John W. Taylor spoke upon the right of the Presidency to direct in all things religious, political and temporal. He prophesied relief for the Presidency and people financially. (Francis M. Lyman, Journal, April 4, 1895, in ibid.)


[John W. Taylor:] He rejoiced in the testimony that he had that God lives and that this is His Kingdom. Have felt that the day was not far distant when John the beloved, and the three Nephites would be with us in our meetings, and give us instructions. I feel that it is a miracle that Bros. Young and Grant are with us today. I prophesy in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ that Brother Grant will be free, and that he shall live and now owe any man a dollar. I feel to say the Church shall be free from debt. I prophesy that brother Grant shall have sons and daughters. I prophesy these things not in my own name, but in the name of Jesus Christ. . . . (Heber J. Grant, Journal, January 4, 1898, in The Diaries of Heber J. Grant, 1880-1945 Abridged, Digital Edition [Salt Lake City: 2015])