Thursday, April 18, 2024

Heber J. Grant, Journal for March 2, 1935 on B. H. Roberts's Work on View of the Hebrews and the Book of Mormon


[March 2, 1935]


Guy C. Wilson called and showed me a copy of something in connection with what was called the “Deadly Peril” being a quotation from a book published in 1823. He said that the statements were being circulated in an effort to show that Joseph Smith had seen this book [Ethan Smith, View of the Hebrews] and copied from it. The little I read from the book didn’t amount to anything. My own impression is that B. H. Roberts wrote this with the idea of writing an article to show that there was nothing in the book to in any way reflect upon the Book of Mormon. (Heber J. Grant, Journal, March 2, 1935, in The Diaries of Heber J. Grant, 1880-1945 Abridged, Digital Edition [Salt Lake City: 2015], comment in square brackets added for clarification)


Further Reading:


B. H. Roberts's Testimony QNA and Primary Sources from the B. H. Roberts Foundation