Thursday, April 18, 2024

Jonathan A. Rinker on Zechariah 12:1


Zechariah 12:1


“The burden of the word of Yahweh concerning Israel: Thus declares Yahweh who stretches out the heavens, and lays the foundation of the earth ( וְיֹסֵד אָּרֶץ ), and forms the spirit of man within him” (12:1).


Like Isaiah before him, Zechariah’s prophecy declares the Messiah’s coming and the ultimate restoration of Israel and Zion (Zech 2:1–13, 6:9–15, 8:1–8, 14:8–11). In chs. 12–14 Zechariah shares “the burden of the word of Yahweh concerning Israel” (12:1). This prophecy concerns Jerusalem in the coming Day of the LORD when Israel’s enemies are judged, the Davidic promises are fulfilled in Israel’s restoration, and the divine King is worshipped in Jerusalem (12:2–13:1, 14:12–21). Thus, the themes of Ps 102:15–22—Israel’s rescue, Zion’s restoration, and reverence there for Yahweh—are parallel to Zech 12–14.


It is interesting how Yahweh chooses to introduce his grand prophecy of Israel’s restoration. Before describing future events, Yahweh first identifies himself, noting very specific features of his résumé: “Thus says Yahweh who stretches out ( נֹ טה ) the heavens and lays the foundation (וְיֹסֵד ) of the earth, and who forms (וְיֹצֵר ) the spirit of man within him” (12:1). In other words, Yahweh’s credentials in v. 1 support the glorious weight of the burden in chs. 12–14.


He is the sovereign Creator whose power is on grand display when he stretches out the heavens like a tent and lays the earth’s foundation like an immense building (cp. Isa 51:13). His rule is also evident on a personal level as he sovereignly works within the spirit of man, giving life and fulfilling his redemptive purposes. This seems to be the case in 12:10 where Yahweh pours out the Spirit of grace and supplication.


Klein suggests that 12:1 is part of the Old Testament’s linkage of creation with redemption and salvation such that Israel’s restoration is described as an act of creation. Yahweh who consummates Israel’s kingdom is Yahweh the Creator—not only of the physical universe but also of Israel when he acts powerfully in history to redeem and restore her. Like Ps 102:25, the creation language of Zech 12:1 is also in a context promising Israel’s restoration. However, in Zech 12:1 Yahweh features יסד ארץ as the foundation of the promises that follow. In Ps 102:25, the psalmist recalls Yahweh as the sovereign Creator after having proclaimed Yahweh’s rule and Zion’s restoration (102:12–22). Nevertheless, in both Zech 12:1 and Ps 102:25, founding the earth is in the context of founding Zion in the promised restoration. (Jonathan A. Rinker, "Creation, Consummation, Perseverance, and the Use of Psalm 102:25-27 in Hebrews 1:10-12" [PhD Thesis; Baptist Bible Seminary, Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania, January 2017], 81-83)