Friday, April 5, 2024

Responding to An Annoyed and Ignorant Reformed Protestant

 Showing that he is obsessed with me, Jeremiah (Curtis) Boddy decided to embarrass himself again in a post on his facebook account:



(My thanks to my friend Jason for sending this to me—Boddy has me blocked on facebook on both his accounts).


Had he bothered to learn how to “search” my blog (or read a book, frankly), a lot of trouble would be saved. In reality, both Boddy and Fletcher are engaging in projection.


1. As I documented, I initially reached out to Jimmy Akin and Pints with Aquinas (PWA) to debate on the Book of Abraham—I was more than happy (and still am) to debate whether the Book of Abraham is an authentic ancient text and theopneustos scripture (cf. 2 Tim 3:16). However, initially, and recently in late 2023, Akin refused to debate a specific topic; instead, he wanted to gish gallop and expected me to debate/defend the authenticity of all uniquely LDS texts, with only a 15 min opening statement. The fact he said he wanted to throw out all his arguments against the entire LDS canon in his opening statement reveals, in spite of his façade of being a nice guy, he is not intellectually honest.  It would be the equivalent of an atheist debating Boddy and expecting Boddy to defend all the perceived problems of his 66-book biblical canon. Again, don’t believe me. I reproduced the emails. And it was not the day beforehand. Again, another lie (or just Boddy showing his IQ is less than 70, or both).

I am more than willing to do debates, even in a public setting. Consider my two part debate with Adam Stokes (who is ABD at PhD level in Hebrew Bible)

Do the Book of Mormon and Other Early Restorationist Texts Teach Modalism? (with Adam Stokes)

Do the Book of Mormon and Other Early Restorationist Texts Teach Modalism? (Part 2)

Also, the recent debate/dialogue I had with Ratio Christi:

Latter-day Saint/Evangelical Protestant Dialogue

This will allow us to segue into #2:


2. Boddy’s friend, James Fletcher, also accused me of being a coward, etc. This is rich coming from him. How so? I initially had an interaction with him (with my friend Travis Anderson), and he choose the topic of sola scriptura for us to engage. It did not go well, as he revealed he is more or less as ignorant as Boddy is. In spite of attempts to get a round two (or my offer to interact with him in a public setting on these issues), --SILENCE--. Fletcher is engaging in projection.


Sola Scriptura: Discussion with James Fletcher (Reformed Protestant)

If Fletcher is so confident, he can consider this an open challenge to debate in his Protestant Church in Utah whether Sola Scriptura is biblical.


3. One has to ask: why is Boddy so p’d off with me? Reality is, whenever I have decided to interact with him, he has always shown himself to be an idiot; in fact, is <a person with IQ less than 70> (as many Americans hate that term). See, for e.g.:


Response to an attempted Rebuttal of "Not By Scripture Alone"

Dealing with the Issue of Sola Scriptura

Jeremiah (Curtis) Boddy Unable to Meaningfully Reconcile Reformed Theology with 1 John 2:1-2

Jeremiah (Curtis) Boddy's stupidity is not just limited to "Mormonism." Nope. He also embarrassed himself in a debate on Transubstantiation (be sure to check out the audience Q&A where he also floundered on 1 John 2:1-2 [again] and 1 Cor 9:24-27):

Curtis Boddy Vs Robert Smedley: Is the Catholic Understanding of Transubstantiation Biblical? EP 164

Jeremiah (Curtis) Boddy is an idiot. How anyone can take him seriously is beyond me.