Friday, April 26, 2024

Robert M. Zins on the Problematic "Demonstration" Understanding of the Justification of Abraham and Rahab in James 2


It is absolutely clear from the context of James 2 that both Abraham and Rahab were in some sense either shown to be just or justified by their works. It must be pointed out that the word “shown” is not in the passage. (Robert M. Zins, Romanism: The Relentless Roman Catholic Assault on the Gospel of Jesus Christ! [4th ed.; Charlotte, N.C.: A Christian Witness to Roman Catholicism, 2019], 197)


We are more comfortable with the idea of “showing to be just” by their works, from the verb justified. But, as it stands, it seems too far-fetched to say Rahab and Abraham were shown to have been justified by their works! (Ibid., 197, emphasis in original)