Thursday, April 18, 2024

The Glossa Ordinaria on Revelation 11:19 and Revelation 12:1



11:19 (a)(b) And the temple of God was opened in (c)heaven; and (d)the ark of his testament was seen (e)in his temple, and (f) there were made (g)lightnings, and (h)voices, and (f)and earthquake and (j)great hail.


a. In the most versions the twelfth chapter starts here.

b. I.e. the Spirit was given, by which the mysteries of the Church, which were symbolized by the second tabernacle, were revealed to the faithful.

c. I.e. the Church.

d. I.e. the ark, i.e. Christ, in whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom (Colossians 2:3), who fulfilled the Old Testament and instituted the New.

e. I.e in the Church, which is in heaven thanks to good works.

f. I.e. there was given understanding.

g. I.e. miracles.

h. I.e. exhortations.

i. Some were moved to faith and others to anger.

J. Because to some people, preaching seemed intolerable. (Consolamini Commentary Series: The Glossa Ordinaria on Revelation: An English Translation [trans. Sarah Van Der Pas; West Monroe, La.: Consolamini Publications, 2015], 69)


He here mentions the revelation of the mysteries which were in the second vision, and the enjoined duty of preaching which he had in the third one, so as to show that this forth vision, which concerns the fight of the Church, depends on these two.


In this forth vision, his topic is a woman well adorned, i.e. the Church having good works, who is attacked by the Devil both o9penly and secretly. And he shows that she overcomes in all these things, by this he especially adorns, or arms, the faithful for them not to succumb in any tribulation.


It depends on the fight of the Chruch, on the revelation of the woman, and it depends on the third vision, which concerns the enjoined duty of preaching. (Ibid.)





12:1 (a) AND (b)a great sign appeared (c)in heaven; (d)a woman clothed (e)with the sun, and (f)the moon (g)(h) under her feet, and (i)on her head (j)a crown of twelve stars:


a. And from these things I saw this proceed, namely a figure signifying something great.

b. A signifying figure.

c. I.e. in the Church.

d. I.e., the Church, because it has clothed itself with Christ, who illuminates it.

e. I.e. with Christ.

f. I.e. all earthly things, which wane like the moon.

g. I.e. under her mind.

h. Even though they are sustained by worldly things, yet they do not strive after them.

i. I.e. on Christ, or in the beginning of the Church.

j. I.e. the twelve apostles through whom the world has believed, or in whom the world lives. (Consolamini Commentary Series: The Glossa Ordinaria on Revelation: An English Translation [trans. Sarah Van Der Pas; West Monroe, La.: Consolamini Publications, 2015], 70)