Thursday, April 18, 2024

The Glossa Ordinaria on Revelation 13:18 and the Meaning of "666"


And the number of him is six hundred sixty six. Since this book was published in Greek, the number should be sought in the manner of the Greeks, among whom letters symbolize a number. His name is ANTEMOS, which is suitable to him who is said to be the contrary of Christ. A = 1, N = 50, T = 300, E = 5, M = 40, O = 70, S = 200; or ARNOYME, that is, “I deny”, he who denies that Christ is God, in which there is the same number, A = 1, R = 200, N = 50, I = 70, Y = 300, M = 40, E = 5; or TEITAN, that is “great sun”, which fits Christ truly, and fits the Antichrist by usurpation. T = 300, E = 5, I = 10, T again = 300, A = 1, N = 50. With Latin letters, DICLUX, because he will say that he is the Light. D = five hundred, I = one, C = one hundred, L = fifty, V = five, X = ten, and thus we get the same sum. Six is the first perfect number, and it symbolizes those less perfect people who are married, and fulfill the Ten Commandments in their own measure. A hundred symbolizes the most perfect who do not violate the integrity of their minds and bodies, and keep the ten commandments most perfectly. These bring forth fruit, some a sixfold, some sixtyfold, some hundredfold (ref. Matt. 13:8). And the disciples of the Antichrist will then say that no one can be saved unless he offer the Antichrist one of these fruits. By six we symbolize those who keep the six works of mercy we read in the Gospel (I was hungry, etc. (Matt. 25:35=36)) in the six ages of the world, by a hundred, the perfect people, or the hundredth sheep brought back (Ref. Matt. 18:12 etc.; Luke 15:4, etc.), by sixty, which consists of the number six multiplied by ten, the keepers of the ten commandments and of the six works, by which we symbolize those who follow faith in unity, in the Trinity, and in the love of God and neighbor, because that number consists of unity, the number two, and the number three. (Consolamini Commentary Series: The Glossa Ordinaria on Revelation: An English Translation [trans. Sarah Van Der Pas; West Monroe, La.: Consolamini Publications, 2015], 79)