Saturday, May 25, 2024

Forthcoming Books I will be Reading Soon

The following are books that are either on my “to be read” list or will be forthcoming from Amazon and other venues (e.g., Brill) in the next few days. As I am sure many who follow this blog are fellow bibliophiles, some will appreciate the following.


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Mathew Schmalz and Alonzo L. Gaskill, Understanding Our Catholic Neighbors


Rabbi Mark S. Daimon and Shon D. Hopkin, Understanding Our Jewish Neighbors


Personal Writings of Eliza Roxcy Snow, ed. Maureen Beecher


Scott Christensen, Sagwitch: Shoshone Chieftan, Mormon Elder 1822-1887


Adam Stokes, Reflections on the Restoration Scriptures


Byron Preston Hughes, My Correspondence With Three Anti-Mormons in Three Volumes: Volume 1


Samuel W. Taylor, Family Kingdom




Benjamin E. Heidgerken, Salvation through Temptation: Maximus the Confessor and Thomas Aquinas on Christ's Victory over the Devil


Philip Walker Jacobs, Joseph the Carpenter: His Reception in Literature and Art from the Second to the Ninth Century


Leen Mari Peltomaa, The Image of the Virgin Mary in the Akathistos Hymn


Graham S. Ogden, Obadiah and Haggai


David R. Seal, First and Second Peter: An Oral and Performance Commentary


Jack Lundborn, Joel: Prophet of the Outpouring Spirit


Walter Burkert, Babylon, Memphis, Persepolis: Eastern Contexts of Greek Culture


Israel Knohl, The Messiah Confrontation


Joshua Bowen, The Atheist Handbook to the Old Testament, volume 2


Joshua Bowen, Did the Old Testament Endorse Slavery?


Christopher R. Bruno, John J. R. Lee, and Thomas R. Schreiner, The Divine Christology of the Apostle Paul: Retrospect and Prospect


Michael R. Licona, Jesus, Contradicted: Why the Gospels Tell the Same Story Differently