Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Micah Wilder The Dangers of Believing in Sola Fide and Imputed Righteousness

 Micah Wilder revealed his true colors by announcing that he is guilty of sexual sins (for those familiar with the charges, it makes John C. Bennett look like a holy saint). Of course, Micah reveals his antinomian tendencies when he writes that


For years I have confidently witnessed that Jesus is enough. Even though I have always believed that statement with all my heart, I’m not certain that I fully understood what it meant. Now, as I sit with my earthly life crashing and burning all around me, I have to believe now more than ever that Jesus alone is sufficient for me. And as I suffer the loss of all things because of my own wickedness against God, I have nothing left but the hold fast to Jesus alone. And I won’t let go of Him, nor He of me. I have come to Him, one who was heavy laden, and He has carried my burden. In Him, I find rest. (The Personal Confession of Former Adam's Road Member Micah Wilder)


So in other words, sin as much as you want, "repent," but in reality, you are already as righteous as Jesus so no matter how heinous the sins you commit are, you are still as white as snow (even if you are a ball of dung [which Micah and his mother are]), so just convince yourself you did not embrace a false religious system (Protestantism). The reality is, that not only is Micah truly evil and reprehensible, but his theology is, too. On this, see:

Response to a Recent Attempt to Defend Imputed Righteousness