Thursday, June 27, 2024

Use of Temple Language in Adolf Haag (1865-1892) to Louis Abegg on August 14, 1892

This practical school of this mission gives me enough opportunity to enrich my experiences. And it is, as with all other things or with life itself, “Our Life is what we make it.” One who lives in indifference and fulfills his duties only halfway can never harvest the priceless blessing of a faithfully fulfilled mission, can never enjoy the true happiness of serving God nor in the complete sense cleanse his garments of the blood of this generation. (Adolf Haag, Letter to Louis Abegg, August 14, 1892, in A missionary’s Story: The Letters and Journals of Adolf Haag Mormon Missionary to Switzerland and Palestine, 1892, ed. Larry W. Draper and Kent P. Jackson [Provo, Utah: BYU Religious Studies Center; Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2015], 215)