Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Luman Andros Shurtliff (1807-1884) on the Prerequisites for Baptism

 [Context: December 1842 while serving a mission in England]


I met with Brs. Woolley and Sparks at Westfield, and by the request of Br. W. I spoke and dwelt considerably upon the first requirements of persons wishing to embrace the gospel and showed from the scriptures that the first thing was a full belief that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and Savior of man, and a sincere repentance and forsaking of all sin and baptism for the remission of sins. And when this was honestly compiled with, the gift of the Holy Ghost was promised. See Acts. 2 chap. 38 verse. When I had sit down, Br. Woolley arose, and before the same congregation undertook to correct me by saying it was the Holy Ghost instead of the gift of the Holy Ghost that was promised the believer, that he, Br. Shurtliff, undoubtedly knew that as well as he but did not think of it, and thought he (Woolley) would make this correction for the benefit of those present. When he was speaking I thought when Br. W. was through, I would simply arise and read the above quotations. I then thought it was better to suffer wrong than do wrong. It would hurt his influence there as he was laboring in Westfield, and I was not. So I shouldered the load and packed it to this day, and it makes me sore when I think of the circumstance. I hope the reader will be more wise than Br. Woolley was on this occasion. (Biographical Sketch of the Life of Luman Andros Shurtliff, 1807-1864, 277-78, spelling and grammar slightly updated)