Friday, July 26, 2024

Maurice Casey’s Reconstruction of the Possible Aramaic Source of Mark 14:22-25


22 ואכלין אנון ונסב לחם ודרך וקצא ויהב להון ואמר, נסבו, דנה הוא גשׁמי.
23 ונסב כס וברך ויהב להון ואשׁתיו בה כלהון.
24 ואמר להון, דמי דנה, דקימא הוא, מתאשׁד על שׂכיאין.
25 אמן אמר אנה לכון דלא נוסף למשׁתא מפרי כפנא עד וימא הוא דבה אשׁתינה והוא חדת במלכותה די אלהא.


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22 And they (were) eating and he took bread, and said a blessing, and broke (the bread) and gave (it) to them and said, ‘take! This it/is my body.’ 23 And he took a cup and said a blessing and gave (it) to them, and all of them drank in it. 24 And he said to them, ‘This (is/was) my blood, it (is) of the covenant, shed for many. 25 Amen I say to you that we will not drink again from the fruit of the vine until that day on which I drink it and it (will be) new in the kingdom of God.’ (Maurice Casey, Aramaic Sources of Mark’s Gospel [Society for New Testament Monograph Series 102; Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999], 220-21)



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