Sunday, July 3, 2016

How some Protestant apologists beg the question on sola scriptura

David Bartosiewicz wrote the following in a recent facebook post:

Where's the True Word of God, "The Holy Bible"...This constantly amazes me why so many are so deceived..This is wrong and Anti-Christian. but from the mouths of men.

There are some exceptions (Keith Mathison and David King, for instance), but this just shows something that is all too common among Protestants--they assume the doctrine of sola scriptura (the formal doctrine of the Reformation). All too often, this doctrine is assumed, but it is similar to a Muslim uncritically assuming Muhammad to be a prophet in a discussion on Islam--question-begging to the nth degree.

To see how this doctrine of Protestantism cannot stand up to meaningful historical and exegetical examination, click here to access pages on this blog that discusses sola scriptura. What is “Anti-Christian” is the affirmation, not rejection, of sola scriptura. As I have documented, the gospel Bartosiewicz preaches is a damnable false gospel (cf. Gal 1:6-9). His uncritical acceptance of sola scriptura is just a tip of a large heretical iceberg.