Sunday, July 3, 2016

The Father Sending the Son: Planned before or after the Law of Moses?

A friend of mine made me aware of a claim Dave Bartosiewicz has repeated a few times on facebook discussion groups in the past:

God realized that it was impossible for us to be saved by laws and ordinances and sent His Son.

Yet again, we see how anti-biblical Dave Bartosiewicz's theology and reasoning truly is. The apostle Peter stated that Christ being sent by the Father was not an afterthought by God, but was part of God's plan even before the world was created, let alone the reception of the Mosaic Covenant:

[Christ] was destined before the foundation of the world, but was revealed at the end of the ages for your sake. (1 Pet 1:20 NRSV)

Additionally, a promise of the Messiah appears in in Gen 3:15:

And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will strike your head, and you will strike his heel. (NRSV)

That this is a Messianic prophecy is explicated in various Jewish sources, including the following:

Targum Pseudo-Jonathan

I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between the offspring of your sons and the offspring of her sons; and it shall be that when the sons of the woman observe the commandments of the Torah, they will direct themselves to site you on the head, but when they forsake the commandments of the Torah you will direct yourself to bite them on the heel. However, there is a remedy for them, but no remedy for you. They are destined to make peace in the end, in the days of the King Messiah. (The Messiah: An Aramaic Interpretation, Samson H. Levy [New York: Hebrew Union College, 1974], p. 2 as cited by William Webster in Behold your King: Prophetic Proofs that Jesus is the Messiah [Battle Ground, Wash.: Christian Resources, 2003], 156)

Fragmentary Targum to the Pentateuch

And it shall be that when the son of the woman study the Torah diligently and obey its injunctions, they will direct themselves to smite you on the head and slay you; but when the sons of the woman forsake the commandments of the Torah and do not obey its injunctions, you will direct yourself to bite them on the heel and afflict them. However, there will be a remedy for the sons of the woman, but for you, serpent, there will be no remedy. They shall make peace with one another in the end, in the very end of days, in the days of the King Messiah. (Levy, p 2, as cited by Webster, ibid.)

For the patristic testimony that this is a prophecy of Jesus, see the documentation in Dominic Unger, The First-Gospel: Genesis 3:15 (Franciscan Institute, 1954). For the exegetical basis for this being a Messianic prophecy, see, for example, Michael Rydelnik, The Messianic Hope: Is the Hebrew Bible Really Messianic? (Nashville, Tenn.: B&H Academic, 2010), pp. 129-45.

As with many other issues, Bartosiewicz is way out in left field when it comes to such an anti-biblical (and blasphemous) claim that Jesus being sent by the Father was an afterthought.