Monday, July 4, 2016

Responses to Desmond Ferguson of Irish Church Missions

Desmond (“Dezi”) Ferguson is an anti-Mormon who is based in Ireland. Until his retirement, he was associated with Irish Church Missions in Dublin. Since mid-2006, I have been trying to get Ferguson to debate me, but he has constantly dodged any written/public debate challenges. He prides himself on being an expert, but whenever an informed individual challenges him, he runs away (he prefers to engage in “gottcha”-like tactics against LDS missionaries to make himself look informed to gullible fellow Evangelicals--this is a common tactic; Dave Bartosiewicz engages in such a tactic, too). In other words, he lacks any intellectual integrity and exegetical abilities, and runs away from informed opponents.

Here is a listing of pages that refute Ferguson:

Attempted Email exchange between Ferguson and I on some of his claims against LDS theology/in favour of Sola Scriptura (summer 2008--one of many times he has ran away from debating me and defending his false claims)

It should be noted that I have been trying to get Desmond Ferguson to debate me since mid-2006 on the topic of sola scriptura (do note: I am more than willing to debate him on other issues, too, such as the nature and number of God in Trinitarian and LDS theologies; baptismal regeneration; nature of justification and the atonement, etc). He has constantly dodged the debate challenges. Do note that the challenge I initially sent Ferguson back in 2006 to debate sola scriptura still stands.