Monday, July 4, 2016

Some of the problems with Evangelical Protestantism

On a facebook post from 2013 which I randomly came across, Bill McKeever et al. from Mormonism “Research” Ministry wrote:

LDS apologist assures us,
"I have discovered nothing in our history that instills doubt, only things that build faith."…/october-2013-general-conferenc…/
Polyandry, Adam-God, Mountain Meadows Massacre, Book of Abraham Papyri, folk magic, divining rods, seer stones, translation with a head in the hat, Joseph Smith rolling in the hay with Fanny Alger ... all this is faith-promoting?

As opposed to Evangelical Protestantism? Here is a listing of some of the issues against Protestantism which I came up with in sixty seconds (much more could be provided):

The overwhelming evidence from all scientific fields for an old-earth; human population pre-dating Adam and Eve; non-existence of a global flood; no exegetical evidence for sola scriptura, the Trinity, sola fide; non-existence of anything that can be labelled as "Protestantism" in early Christianity; the utter nonsense of the hypostatic union; the  overwhelming body of biblical evidence for baptismal regeneration and transformative justification; Luther's anti-Semitism (which influenced Hitler); Calvin's murder of Servetus; the murder of Anabaptists by those within the Reformed churches; the problems with inerrancy; the anti-biblical ecclesiology and ecclesiastical deism of much of Protestantism, etc.

As an aside, MRM shows their lack of intellectual integrity (nothing new) with respect to Joseph and Fanny Alger (among all the other issues raised); see this discussion from an informed historian (something McKeever et al. are not).