Saturday, October 29, 2016

Larry Hurtado and Anthony Buzzard Discuss Christology

The following video is between Dr. Larry Hurtado (author of works such as Lord Jesus Christ: Devotion to Jesus in Earliest Christianity) and Anthony F. Buzzard (Unitarian; author of Jesus was not a Trinitarian)

It is an interesting discussion, including the Christology presented in the Synoptic Gospels and the NT use of Psa 110:1 (LXX: 109:1).  One does find the following amazing admission from Hurtado beginning at the 1:03:34 mark:

I quite agree that Jesus did not claim that He was God, and did not imagine Himself to be a second person of the Trinity, and did not insist that He should be worshipped.
He argues, instead, that whatis important and should determine one's Christology is what the Father has said about, and done to, Jesus (cf. Phil 2:5-11). This fits rather well with LDS Christology.

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