Monday, December 26, 2016

Staples/White debate on Sola Scriptura

The following video is a debate on Sola Scriptura between James White and Tim Staples:


While I disagree with Staples on many issues (e.g., Refuting Tim Staples on patristic Mariology and the Immaculate Conception), he mopped the floor with White on this issue.

So desperate White was to save face that he wrote an article An Open Letter to Tim Staples; this was soundly refuted by another RC apologist, Mario Lopez, James White Misrepresentations, and Errors on Sola Scriptura showing the many areas White engaged in eisegesis as well as bent the truth about the debate itself. Of course, such should not surprise readers of this blog at all—in their lame attempt to refute my article, Refuting Jeff Durbin on “Mormonism”, White/Durbin never dealt with the issues at all, instead opting to poison the well and bald assertions (see James White and Jeff Durbin “respond”). I think the following .gif sums up Durbin/White's "response" to my article ;-)