Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Prayer request

Duncan Heaster is a Christadelphian apologist who has published a number of works on Christadelphian theology such as Bible Basics, Beyond Bible Basics, The Real Devil, and The Real Christ. I have learnt a great deal of the Christadelphian movement as a result of his literary output, and I subscribe to his youtube channel to keep up with theological topics he sometimes discusses (mainly in defence of Satan/Demons [Heaster is perhaps the leading proponent of Christadelphian Satanology at the moment]).

I just found out that his father, Marcus, was hospitalised due to blood clots in his lungs and almost died last week, and his mother, Gwladys, suffered a serious stroke and may be hospitalised for the rest of her life (both his parents are in their 80s).

While I disagree with Christadelphians, Heaster included, on many topics, I always wish the best for people, theological disagreement notwithstanding (in spite of what one Evangelical apologist claims). His parents have been in my prayers in the past few days, and I do ask that readers of his blog have them in their prayers, too.