Thursday, July 13, 2017

Video of the Williams/White Debate on Mariology

In a previous post, I shared the URL to the mp3 of the debate between James White (Reformed Baptist) and Peter D. Williams (Roman Catholic) on the Marian Dogmas. The video of this debate has just been posted by James White:

The Marian Dogmas Debate

While I disagree strongly with Williams, it is one of the best attempts in a public debate, by a Roman Catholic apologist to defend the Marian dogmas.

I myself have discussed Mariology a number of times on this blog. For instance, see:

Answering Tim Staples on Patristic Mariology and the Immaculate Conception

Proving the Fallacious Nature of Marian Typology in light of Parallels Between Joseph of Egypt and St. Joseph

Luke 1:28 and κεχαριτωμενη: Evidence for the Immaculate Conception of Mary?

I presented on the topic of Mariology, "The Mother of My Lord: Towards a Mormon Mariology" at my home LDS branch back in January. One can find the powerpoint presentation here