Tuesday, December 12, 2017

First Edition NET (print) Request

As I mentioned in a previous post, a new edition of the NET is forthcoming which changes a lot of the verses of the first edition to be more consistent with Evangelical Protestant theology. I fear that they will change a number of important notes too. As I have the NET on Bibleworks, I also fear that there will be an update soon replacing the first edition with the second on that format.

It is for this reason that I hope to secure a first edition NET in print (such as this one). For those who wish to help me in this endeavour, there are two ways:

(1) if you have a spare copy, you can send me it via snail mail and/or

(2) send an amazon.com voucher my day.

Either way, you can use my email IrishLDS87ATgmailDOTcom to either send the amazon voucher and/or contact me as to which mailing address to use.

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