Monday, December 11, 2017

Book on whether "Mormonism" is "Christian"

Given this trajectory [of modern LDS interactions with non-LDS faiths], it no longer makes sense to consider Mormonism a "new religion," a "new world religion," or even a "new religious tradition," if that implies a supersession of or definitive break with Christianity. Instead, Mormonism is a vibrant new branch of Christianity, one in which temples, ordinances, and prophets have taken their place alongside a Jesus who is both utterly Christian and distinctively Mormon. (John G. Turner, The Mormon Jesus: A Biography [Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2016], p. 294; comment in square brackets added for clarification).

In my post Thanks to my Readers, and Some Plans for 2018, I forgot to mention another book project I hope to work on next year, and that is a dialogue/debate book between myself and my friend, Tarik Lacour on the question of whether “Mormonism” can be considered “Christian” as well as the place The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has within the broad Christian spectrum.

As some know, about a year ago, Tarik and I had a bit of a to-and-fro on our respective blogs on this issue:

Are Mormons Christian? Not Really . . .  (Tarik’s initial article)

Yes, Latter-day Saints are Christians (my initial response to Tarik)

While I disagree with Tarik on this particular issue, I believe that the LDS community will benefit from this volume as this will discuss issues such as what a “Christian” is; the nature of God and other topics in LDS and non-LDS theologies, and other important issues. Furthermore, our difference aside, we are friends, so will be an interesting to-and-fro.

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