Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Franciscan University Presents: The Transgender Moment

Dr. Ryan T. Anderson is the author of an excellent book:

When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Movement (Encounter Books, 2018)

Recently, Anderson was interviewed by "Franciscan University Presents":

Franciscan University Presents: The Transgender Moment

I bring up this, in part, as a result of his talk in the October 2018 General Conference, Dallin H. Oaks annoyed a lot of "progressive" members of the Church for simply reiterating Latter-day Saint moral theology about there being only two genders and that homosexual behaviour is sinful, etc. This was the same backlash to his October 2017 General Conference talk. For my "take" on last year's talk, see:

Some Thoughts based on Elder Oak's Recent Talk at Conference

One can watch the October 2018 talk from Oaks on youtube:

President Dallin H. Oaks - October 2018 General Conference

All I can say is, in light of so many members of the Church going way to the left on many issues, such as abortion, thank God for someone like Dallin Oaks standing up for Latter-day Saint doctrine (and truth) about abortion, homosexuality, and gender.