Thursday, October 11, 2018

John Dehlin Interviews Kathleen Melonakos

John Dehlin continues to embarrass himself, this time dedicating 4 episodes of his Mormon Stories series (eps. 994-997) to interviewing Kathleen Melonankos, author of one of the worst books ever published in Mormon Studies, Secret Combinations: Evidence of Early Mormon Counterfeiting, 1800-1847. Maybe in mathematics two negatives can make a positive, but one joke interviewing another joke does not make a good intellectual discussion. For a devastating review of  Melonakos' books, see:

Melonakos, “Secret Combinations: Evidence of Early Mormon Counterfeiting 1800-1847” (reviewed by Cheryl L. Bruno)

As an aside, there is a delightfully funny (and sometimes, like the Babylon Bee and Onion, too close to reality at times) parody account of John Dehlin:

John Dehlin Rumors

Be sure to follow it!