Saturday, October 26, 2019

Matt Slick on the meaning of τετελεσται ("it is finished") in John 19:30

Recently, Matt Slick had a discussion of John 19:30 and the meaning of τετελεσται ("it is finished"). Here is the link to the particular section:

Matt Slick Live, 10/18/19 (cf. Tony Mianao's article, “It is Finished!” Jesus does not need your help on Slick's CARM Website)

I will let the readers of this blog post to listen to his discussion and compare and contrast such with the following:

Full Refutation of the Protestant Interpretation of John 19:30

Be sure to also see:

Does Galatians 2:20 and Colossians 2:14 support Forensic Justification?

An Examination and Critique of the Theological Presuppositions Underlying Reformed Theology

Response to a Recent Attempt to Defend Imputed Righteousness

(Note: The question was the result of someone reading some books by Scott Hahn on the Eucharist. This should not be seen as a defence of Hahn's theology of [1] the "fourth cup" interpretation of τετελεσται and [2] the dogmas about the Mass--see Responses to Robert Sungenis, Not by Bread Alone (2000/2009) for a listing of articles addressing such issues)

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