Sunday, July 26, 2020

Open Debate Challenge to Leighton Flowers and Mike Winger

My friend Jaxon Washburn is scheduled to appear in the near future on Leighton Flowers’ Soteriology 101 Podcast. Leighton is also a fan of Mike Winger’s works against the Restored Gospel and said he might bring Winger on during this discussion with Jaxon, so I have an idea. For those who wish to see me engage in debate with Flowers and/or Winger, I suggest you contact them requesting that they debate me on the following topics:


Does the Bible Affirm the Protestant Doctrine of Sola Scriptura? (they will affirm; I will deny)


Does the Bible Affirm Baptismal Regeneration? (I will affirm; they will deny)

(I am also more than happy to debate the nature of justification, as they hold to a forensic model thereof, wherein it is external, once-off, forensic act based on an imputation of an alien [external] righteousness).

Here is the proposed structure of the debates:

Opening Statements: 30 mins each

Rebuttal: 15 mins each

Cross-examination Period: 12 mins each (perhaps 2 rounds of such if time permits)

Closing Statements: 10 mins each

To contact Flowers, here is his Web Page (also his Twitter and Youtube)

To contact Wineger, here is his Web Page (also his Twitter and Youtube)

If Flowers and Winger are more than happy to produce videos against "Mormonism" (esp. Winger), then they should have the testicular fortitude to stand up in debate with an informed Latter-day Saint on such core issues (and if they do not, it just shows they are only interested in speaking to Evangelicals who are ignorant of Latter-day Saint theology and Scriptures and not desirous to engage with informed Latter-day Saints).

To help them know how I will be approaching things in such debates, here are some of the articles I have written on these issues:

On Sola Scriptura:

On Baptism:

On Forensic Justification:

Robert S. Boylan
26 July 2020