Thursday, October 1, 2020

Jordan Cooper Refutes Matt Slick (CARM) on Baptismal Regeneration

In the following video, Jordan Cooper (Lutheran) defends the doctrine of baptismal regeneration against Matt Slick of CARM:

A Response to Matt Slick on Baptismal Regeneration

For more articles on baptismal regeneration, see:

Refuting Douglas Wilson on Water Baptism and Salvation

On the Perspicuity of the Bible, Baptismal Regeneration in 1 Peter 3:19-21, and a Discussion of Different "Causes"

J. Paul Sampley on Baptismal Regeneration and Ephesians 5:25-27 

John Greer vs. the biblical doctrine of baptismal regeneration

The Good Thief on the Cross (cf. Matthew W. Bates on the Thief on the Cross)

No, 1 Clement does not teach Sola Fide (Slick claims on his Website that 1 Clement does not teach baptismal regeneration--this charge and many others are refuted in this article)

It should also be noted that much of Slick's arguments against water baptism being salvific is the result of his Reformed theology. For articles refuting this blasphemous theology, see, for e.g.:

An Examination and Critique of the Theological Presuppositions Underlying Reformed Theology