Sunday, January 10, 2021

Resources Defending Baptismal Regeneration

Today, my Catholic friends are celebrating the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. As we both agree that water baptism is salvific, I thought I would share some resources on the topic of baptismal regeneration in the light of the Bible, as well as responses to standard "proof-texts" (e.g, Eph 2:8-9; 1 Cor 1:17) that are trotted against such:

Nathan Eubank on the meaning of "Fulfil All Righteousness" and Implications for Baptism and Righteousness

 Christ's baptism is NOT imputed to the believer

Full Refutation of the Protestant Claim Romans 10:9-10 Teaches Sola Fide (contains a section that discusses Rom 6:3-7 and baptismal regeneration)

J. Paul Sampley on Baptismal Regeneration and Ephesians 5:25-27 

On the related issue of imputed righteousness (which informs a lot of the errant arguments against baptismal regeneration and other doctrines), see:

See also:

On the baptism of Jesus itself, one might appreciate the following: