Saturday, March 13, 2021

Open Challenge to Ed Haviach on the Question of the (Lack of) Historical Support for His Protestantism and Rejection of the "Great Apostasy"



Despite all this, there is great news for the Mormons. The same saving Gospel and Church that Jesus started and is building are still efficacious today. Jesus Christ called us to Himself. He did not set up any other mediators for people to go through or join in order to come to Him. (Ed Haviach, The Restoration Fallacy; see A Great Example of an Anti-Mormon Using the Fallacy of "Guilt by Association" for a response to a conference presentation by Haviach)




I have asked you this privately, and I am going to ask this in public, too.


Name *ONE* single person from A.D. 100 (after the close of the New Testament period when you believe the final book of Scripture was inscripturated) until A.D. 1100 (I am being super generous in giving you 1,000 years to work with) who believed what you believe about the "essentials" of (your Protestant) Gospel:


(*) affirmed a symbolic merely view of baptism (read: rejected baptismal regeneration)

(*) affirmed eternal security/perseverance of the saints

(*) affirmed forensic justification and imputed righteousness

(*) held to the formal sufficiency of the Bible (the question of Sola Scriptura)


There you go. If your claims about there being no Great Apostasy from your Protestant perspective is correct, you can (1) name an individual or group who affirmed such and (2) provide the source(s).

The very fact you will be unable to do such should give you cause for concern if you care about the truth of your theological claims.


As for your continued eisegesis of Rom 10:9-10 (which you have been corrected on, including by myself), see:


Full Refutation of the Protestant Claim Romans 10:9-10 Teaches Sola Fide