Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Craig A. Evans on Parallels between the Septuagint and John 15



John 15

‘I planted a fruit-bearing (καρποφορον) vine (αμπελον), altogether true (αληθινην)’ (Jer. 2.21)

‘I am the vine (η αμπελος) the true one (η αληθινη)’ (v. 1)

‘the vine (η αμπελος) . . . sent forth her branches (κληματα) . . . to bear fruit (φερειν καρπον)’ (Ezek. 17.7-8) ‘Israel is a vine (αμπελος) with excellent branches (ευκληματουσα), her fruit (καρπος) is abundant: according to the multitude of her fruit is (καρπων) she has multiplied [her] altars’ (Hos. 10.1)

‘every branch (κλημα) that bears fruit (καρπον φερον)’ (v. 2)

‘fire consumes its yearly pruning (καθαρσιν)’ (Ezek. 15.4)

‘he prunes (καθαιρει) (every fruit-bearing branch)’ (v. 2); ‘you are clean (καθαροι)’ (v. 3)

‘[the vine’s] branches (κληματα) (Ezek. 17.7)

‘you are the branches (κληματα)’ (v. 5)

‘the multitude of her branches (καρπων)’ (Hos. 10.1)

‘the one who abides in me . . . bears much fruit (κληματα)’ (v. 5)

‘her early shoots shall be dried up (ξηρανθησεται)’ (Ezek. 17.9)

‘as the branch and it is dried up (εξηρανθη)’ (v. 6)

‘the vine’s (αμπελου) . . . branches (κληματων) . . . [are] given to the fire (πυρι) to be consumed’ (Ezek. 15.2-4) ‘the east wind dried up (εξηρανε) her choice [branches] . . . fire (πυρ) consumed her’ (Ezek. 19.12)

‘they are cast not the fire (εις το πυρ) and burned’ (v. 6)

(Craig A. Evans, Word and Glory: On the Exegetical and Theological Background of John’s Prologue [Journal for the Study of the New Testament Supplement Series 59; Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1993], 39)