Friday, November 12, 2021

Listing of Resources on Creation Ex Nihilo vs. Ex Materia

Tony Costa and Anthony Rogers, both Calvinists, have posted a video attempting to defend creation out of nothing from Gen 1:1:

'Bara' in Genesis 1:1 and 'Creatio Ex Nihilo'. Dr. Tony Costa and Rev. Anthony Rogers

Costa, who thinks 'adieu' in Jacob 7:27 is a good argument against the Book of Mormon (see his interview with he who writes as if his daughter has broken into his computer) and Anthony Rogers, someone of next to no competence in the Hebrew language (he cannot tell the difference between ָ [qamatz] and ִ [hireq], resulting in him being owned badly by Anthony Buzzard) make a number of claims, such as creation out of nothing being found in the intertestamental period and other claims one will find in the writings of Craig, Copan, et al. In reality, they are just wrong.

For a thorough refutation of creation ex nihilo, as well as discussions of Gen 1:1, see:

Blake T. Ostler, Out of Nothing: A History of Creation ex Nihilo in Early Christian Thought (cf. Blake T. Ostler, "J.P. Holding on Creation Out of Nothing")

Daniel O. McClellan, James Patrick Holding refuted on Creation Ex Nihilo

See also:

Blake Ostler vs. Evangelical Protestant who Marinates in Dunning Kruger on Creation Ex Nihilo and Free-Will

Othmar Keel and Silvia Schroer: Creation Ex Nihilo is not Taught in Genesis 1 and 2 Maccabees 7:28

2 Maccabees 7:28, Wisdom 11:17 and Creation Ex Materia

Answering the Claim that Interpreting Genesis 1:2 as a Dependent Clause is too Cumbersome in Hebrew

Thomas Römer on creatio ex materia in Genesis 1

William P. Brown on Creation Ex Materia in the Priestly Creation Account

Michael J. Alter on בְּרֵאשִׁ֖ית in Genesis 1:1 being in the construct state

Creation Ex Materia and "Nothingness" in the Bible

Tremper Longman III on Genesis 1 and Creation from Nothing

The Waters of Genesis 1 Not Being Created but Preexisting Creation

Howard Schwartz on the Primordial Elements in Genesis in Jewish Traditions

Joseph Blenkinsopp on Creation Ex Materia in Genesis 1

John A. Cook on the Syntax of Genesis 1:1-3

Protestant Scholars who Advocate Creatio Ex Nihilo Admitting that the Doctrine is Not Explicit in the Bible

Gerhard Kittel on ‎ברא Meaning to Create out of a Material, not Ex Nihilo

Michael LeFebvre on ברא Not Meaning "Create (out of nothing)"

Nathan J. Chambers: ברא does not necessarily denote creation ex nihilo

Was Joseph Smith's claims about the meaning of ברא "misleading at best, and downright erroneous at worst"?

Isaiah 65:17-18 and the use of ברא 

1 Clement 60:1 vs. Creatio Ex Nihilo

Creation out of nothing in 2 Clement?

Craig Koester on the meaning of Hebrews 11:3 and how it is not a "proof-text" for creation ex nihilo

2 Peter 3:5 and creatio ex materia

Justin Martyr affirming creation ex materia

The Mormon Doctrine of Pre-Existence: Platonic?