Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Orson Pratt (September 1853): Jesus is Eternal and Had No Beginning


We shall now prove by revelation given through JOSEPH, the SEER, that there has been a God from all eternity; or in other words, that there is a God who never had a beginning. One revelation commences thus: “Hearken and listen to the voice of Him who is from all Eternity to all eternity, the Great I AM, even Jesus Christ, the light and the life of the world.” (Doc and Cov. Sec 59: Par .1). Here then is positive proof that Jesus Christ is from all Eternity. We are aware that there are some who consider that the words “all Eternity” have reference to a definite limited period of time. Such suppose that there have been many eternities succeeding each other: if this supposition be correct, then the period expressed by the words “from all Eternity” could not have been without beginning. But it is evident to our mind that the words were intended to convey the idea of an endless past duration; or, in other words, a duration that had no beginning, when speaking in reference to the light and truth that dwelt in Him. That this is the true idea intended to be conveyed, is evident from other declarations of Christ; one of which reads as follows: “Listen to the voice of Jesus Christ, your Redeemer, the Great I AM, whose arm of mercy hath atoned for your sins.” Among the things revealed in this revelation, Jesus Christ says, “Unto myself my work have no end, NEITHER BEGINNING.” (Doc. And Cov., sec. 10: Par. 1 and 8.) No language would more plainly prove that Jesus Christ had no beginning. (Orson Pratt, The Seer 1, no. 9 [September 1853]: 130-31


Further Reading

Is Latter-day Saint Christology "Arian"?

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