Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Emanuel M. Murphy's Recollection of Joseph Smith's Belief that the Fulfillment of D&C 87 was Imminent

In his journal entry for December 30, 1860, Wilford Woodruff recorded Emanuel M. Murphy’s recounting his meeting with Joseph and Joseph’s certain belief in the then-future fulfillment of D&C 87:


Sunday Brother Emanuel M. Murphy Preached in the morning gave an
account of his receiving the gospel, his gathering to Missouri, his
visit to Joseph in Prision, the advice of Joseph the Prophet to him to
go to South Carolina & Georgia & warn his friends of the wrath &
desolation ofthat the people in that land & to gather out his Friends to
Zion for the wars & rebelion would begin in South Carolinia Elder John Taylor Preached in the afternoon & refered to many
of the revelations & prophesies of Joseph Smiths which are now Fulfilling. The cecession of South Carolinia, The Lord's coming out of his hiding place to vex the Nation, & many other things 



Further Reading on D&C 87:


Resources on Joseph Smith’s Prophecies