Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Joseph Smith's Conditional Prophecy to the Nauvoo Relief Society (April 28, 1842)

In a discourse delivered to the Nauvoo Relief Society on April 28, 1842, Joseph Smith was recorded by Eliza R. Snow as teaching that

females, if they are pure and innocent can come into the presence of God; for what is more pleasing to God than innocence; you must be innocent or you cannot come up before God. If ye <we> would come before God let us be pure ourselves. The devil has great power— he will so transform things as to make one gape at those who are doing the will of God— You need not be tearing men for their deeds, but let the weight of innocence be felt; which is more mighty than a millstone hung about the neck. Not war, not jangle, not contradiction, but meekness, love, purity, these are the things that should magnify us.— Achan must be brought to light—iniquity must be purged out— then the vail will be rent and the blessings of heaven will flow down — they will roll down like the Missisippi river. This Society shall have power to command Queens in their midst— I now deliver it as a prophecy that before ten years shall roll round, the queens of the earth shall come and pay their respects to this Society— they shall come with their millions and shall contribute of their abundance for the relief of the poor— If you will be pure, nothing can hinder.


After this instruction, you will be responsible for your own sins. It is an honor to save yourself yourselves— all are responsible to save themselves.


Often one finds this prophecy but rarely is it presented in its context and it being presented as being contingent upon the free-will actions of the members of the Relief Society. For example:


28 Apr. At a Relief Society meeting Smith says, "I now deliver it as a prophecy that before ten years shall roll round, the queens of the earth shall come and pay their respects to this Society—they shall come with their millions and shall contribute of their abundance for the relief of the poor." He also warns: "Do not indulge too much in the gift of tongues, or the devil will take advantage of the innocent." Then he tells the women that "the keys of the kingdom are about to be given to them that they may be able to detect everything false, as well as to the Elders….I now turn the key to you in the name of God." (D. Michael Quinn, The Mormon Hierarchy: Origins of Power [Salt Lake City: Signature Books, 1994], 634)


As with many biblical prophecies, including those without any contingencies mentioned (e.g. Mic 3:12; cf. Jer 26:18-19]), this prophecy did not take place due to the failure of the Relief Society (as a whole) not remaining “pure” enough for Queens to pay homage to them.


FAIR, in their discussion of allegedly false prophecies of Joseph Smith, offers the following as evidence that perhaps this was fulfilled:


One might ask, "What would it otherwise have taken to fulfill the prophecy? Was the Queen of England supposed to come to Nauvoo?" One could argue that the prophecy was in fact fulfilled. The queens in their midst were anointed as part of the endowment, revealed by Joseph at Nauvoo, and some had their election made sure before leaving for Utah. Joseph's speech to the Relief Society could be a foreshadowing of the temple ordinances they would later receive and that would qualify and prepare them to receive such.


Further Reading:


Resources on Joseph Smith’s Prophecies