Wednesday, February 8, 2023

P. A. Smith on Isaiah 66:21 and Gentiles Becoming Levitical Priests


it is more likely that much-disputed v. 21 refers to Yahweh taking priests and Levites from among the nations in v. 19. This is apparent for a number of reasons. First, it is the nations who are the main actors in vv. 18-21. Form them (מהם [v. 19]) are taken "survivors" whose mission it is to tell of Yahweh's glory to the remaining nations. They will bring the dispersed Israelites from among the nations (v. 20). Verse 21 then goes on to state that also from them (גם מהם), i.e. also from these nations, he will take priests and Levites. The presence of the particle גם suggests that Yahweh is taking from a group form which he has already taken, i.e. the nations referred to in vv. 18-19. (P.A. Smith, Rhetoric and Redaction in Trito-Isaiah: The Structure, Growth and Authorship of Isaiah 56-66 [Supplements to Vetus Testamentum 62; Leiden, Brill: 1995], 168)