Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Theodore of Mopsuestia (c. 350-428) Affirming Baptismal Regeneration in Romans 6

Commenting on Romans 6:3-4, Theodore of Mopsuestia wrote:


Or don't you know this, he says, that baptism makes us participants in the death of Christ? For when we were baptized according to the traditional form, which is fitting for us, we seem to have been buried with him. We were also raised in him according to the traditional form. Just as the Lord was raised from the dead and established in a different, new kind of life; likewise, we are established in a new kind of life after baptism. We consider that kind of life, which we believe we are brought into by baptism, worthy to display. (Gregory Charles David, “Theodore of Mopsuestia's Commentary on Romans: An Annotated Translation,” PhD. Dissertation [The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1992], 43)