Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Joseph Smith's May 12, 1844 Discourse and Revelation 14:6-7

 Joseph Smith, Discourse, May 12, 1844 (as reported by Thomas Bullock):

John the Revelator saw an angel flying thro’ the midst of heaven, having the everlasting Gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, &c. the Scripture is ready to be fulfilled when great wars, famines, pestilence, judgments &c are ready to be poured out on the Inhabitants of the Earth— John saw the angel having the priesthood who should preach— God had an angel, ordained, & prepared for the that purpose in the last days— Woe! Woe! be to that man, or set of men, who lift up their hands against God and his Witness in these last days—— for they shall deceive almost the very chosen ones

In George Laub’s account of Joseph’s May 12, 1844 discourse, we read:

Nauvoo By Joseph Smith Prophet Concerning gods Witness

14 chapter of revelations of John 6–7 verses & the Original translation Reads thus and I will send you a nother witness and he shall preach this gospel to all nations to the Ends of the world. But woe to that man or woman who shall lift up his or their hands against gods witness for the[y] are rasing their arm against the power of god and the[y] will be cursed. But in these times in the last days there will many fals Prophets arise and fals teachers and deceave many the[y] shall have many followers by their deceit. the[y] strive to get power and by their pernitious ways lead of[f] many— For Brother Joseph Smith was chosen for the Last despensation or seventh Despensation the time the grand council set in heaven to organise this world Joseph was chosen for the Last and greatest Prophet to Lay the foundation of gods work therefore the Jews asked John the Baptist if he was Elias or Jesus or that great prophet that was to come—— and the devil or lucifer also organised his kingdom in oposit to overthrow gods and he Became a sun [son] of perdition . . .  Brother Joseph Smith was sent to remind the world of sin of rituousness and of a judgment that was to come But this is that of what John says in his 14th. chapter but he says of sin of rituousne [righteousness] and of a judgment to come to reprove the world. this is rong Translated for to remind is correct way Concerning thos[e] who here the gospe[l] Now concerning these who know the gospel and do not obey But fight against it will be shut up in prison under condemnation and shall not be visited till many days hence. Isaiah 24 ch. then some person has to redeem them By making a forfit of some payment for them. &

Such shows that Joseph believed that Rev 14:6-7 was not limited to merely Moroni and the coming forth of the Book of Mormon. For more, see: