Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Joseph Smith's May 12, 1844 Discourse and Resurrected Bodies Lacking Blood

 In George Laub’s account of Joseph’s May 12, 1844 discourse, we read:

as in Adam all die, so in Christ shall all be made alive, all shall be raised from the dead— the Lamb of God hath brought to pass the resurrection so that all shall rise from the dead— God Almighty himself dwells in Eternal fire, flesh and blood cannot go there, all corruption is devoured by the fire— our God is a consuming fire— when our flesh is quickened by the Spirit, there will be no blood

In Thomas Bullock’s account of Joseph’s May 12, 1844 discourse, we read:

Concerning Resurection

Flesh and Blood cannot inherit the kingdom of god or the kingdom that god inhabits But the flesh without the blood and the spirit of god flowing in the veins in the stead of the blood for blood is the part of the body that causes corruption therefore we must be changd in the twinkling of an Eye or have to lay down these tabernacles and leave the blood vanish away therefore Jesus Christ left his blood to atone for the sins of the world that he might asend into the presents of the father for god dwels in flaming flames and he is a consuming fire he will consume all that is uncleen and unholy and we could not abide his presents unless pure spirits in us. for the Blood is the corruptible part of the tabernacles—— for the resurection of the dead is devised to take away coruption and make man perfect or in the glory which he was created for the body is sowen in coruption and raised in Incoruption then we will be able to goe in the presents of god