Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Lorenzo D. Snow: the Sons of Perdition Will Never Receive Salvation


Afternoon meeting: Bp. Lorenzo D. Young expressed himself pleased to meet with the Saints and complimented the people upon what they had accomplished. He felt that he was honored to be associated with the Latter-day Saints in a work which was foreseen by ancient Prophets and Apostles. Alluded the teachings receiving on Tithing this morning and endorsed them. Spoke of the mercy of God to His children, and the salvation which all will obtain except the sons of perdition. Contrasted the condition and purposes of the world with those of the Latter-day Saints—that while the Saints were trying to regenerate the human race, the world are pulling down and trying to destroy that which God designs should be built up. (James Godson Bleak, The Annals of the Southern Mission, November 1, 1872, in The Annals of the Southern Mission: A Record of the History of the Settlement of Southern Utah, ed. Aaron McArthur and Reid L. Neilson [Salt Lake City: Greg Kofford Books, 2019], 265)