Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Reminiscence of Joseph Smith's Prophecy Concerning his Martyrdom in the Journal of Mary Elizabeth Rollins Lightner (1918-1913)


One day after asking about the Golden Bible he told me if I lived thirty years after his death I would see and read things to prove the book true. I said, 'Are you doing to die?' He answered, 'I must seal my testimony with my blood, the testimony is of no force until the testator is dead. They say I am a fallen Prophet, but I am more in favor with my God this day than ever before in my life. They little know who I am, and I date not tell. They will not know who I am until they see me at the bar of God.'


Another time in our talk he mentioned a woman's name who had sinned very much. He said, 'I would like to do something for her so she can be saved.' I said, 'Brother Joseph, how do you know you yourself will be saved?' He replied, 'I know I will. I have the oath of God on it and God cannot lie.' He said John the Revelator was caught up to the third heaven, but I know one who was caught up to the seventh heaven and heard things not lawful for me to utter.' . . . Once I heard the Prophet say, 'I have rolled the work of this Kingdom onto the shoulders of the Twelve. If they don't carry it forward they will be damned.' Again he said, 'I have asked the Lord to take out this world. I have stood all I can.' (Diary of Mary Elizabeth Rollins Lightner, 1936, pp. 3, 7)


Further Reading:

Resources on Joseph Smith's Prophecies