Friday, January 5, 2024

John M. Jensen's Record of a Miraculous Healing in 1893

John M. Jensen wrote the following about an experience in 1893 in Utah. Apart from this being an example of a miraculous healing, note that it was done without consecrated oil, showing that such is not an absolute necessity in Latter-day Saint practice:


One day I passed a house where a sick man was in a miserable condition. The doctors had given him up to die. He had also been administered to without any relief. As I passed the house the Spirit said to me,” Stop and go in to that man that is sick and raise him up.” I stopped at once, went into the little house and talked a little while with the man and his wife. They never had any children, on account of his sickness. He was in a fearful condition. He showed me a cup; he told me he filled that cup every day with matter out of his body. He was not just in bed all the time, he was so bent over he was not able to straighten up at all.


The first question I asked him was if he had faith to be healed. He answered yes, but he had been administered to by the Bishopric and others but when he could smell tobacco in front of him, he had no faith in them to be healed.


I asked him if he would like me to administer to him, I did not use tobacco. He thanked me, but he had no oil. I told him that the Lord can heal without the oil.


I now asked them, the sick man and his wife, to unite with me and we would ask the Lord to heal him.


After we had prayed I laid my hands on his head, and was assisted by the Holy Spirit which dictated to me what to say.


I rebuked the sickness in the name of the Lord and promised him to be healed immediately. “You don’t need your cup anymore and you will go to meeting tomorrow.” It was on a Saturday this occurred. “And after that you will go right out and visit your friends, just as son as I take my hands of you, you will straighten up.”


As soon as I took my hands off him, he straightened himself at once, and reached his hand to me and wanted to thank me for he was healed at once. I told him that the Lord had done that and to thank Him, and give Him the honor and glory.


A few days after this happened, I visited him again, and he told me that it was just as I had told him, so it went and he got healed at once, and he did not need the cup any more. (John M. Jensen, My Life Story, ed. Sonja Jensen [Mill Valley, Calif.: Ram Print and Communications, 2007], 32-34)